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Homework Guidelines

Sartorette School

Homework Plan

Homework is an important part of each child's educational program. It provides a means of teaching necessary skills of independent study and learning outside the classroom. It helps to promote good study habits and encourages students to share classroom experiences with parents.

Other reasons for homework:

·   To build interest in reading and learning.

·   To reinforce learning.

·   To establish self-discipline and independent study skills.

·   To encourage parent awareness of student learning.

·   To make up work due to an absence.

·   To complete work started in class.

The following time chart suggests a maximum amount of time children should spend on homework, daily, (Monday-Thursday).

Kindergarten             10  minutes homework + 10 minutes reading

First Grade                10  minutes homework + 20 minutes independent reading

Second Grade            20  minutes homework + 20 minutes independent reading

Third Grade              30 minutes homework + 20 minutes independent reading

Fourth Grade            30 minutes homework + 30 minutes independent reading

Fifth Grade               40 minutes homework + 30 minutes independent reading

For Students

It is important to develop good study habits at school and at home.

·   Be sure you understand the assignment, and ask your teacher if you need help understanding the assignment.

·   Set aside a regular time to do homework.

·   Study in a quiet place.

·   Complete your work and hand it in when it is due.

·   Do your best on each assignment.

·   Have an adult review your work.

For Parents

Parents can support a child's interest in lifelong learning by providing an environment at home in which homework is a high priority:

·   Consider providing a healthy snack prior to working.

·   Provide a quiet, well-lighted place for the student to do homework and have supplies readily available.

·   Help the student budget time so that a regular schedule for study is set up. Take an active interest in what the student is doing at school. Ask for an explanation of a particular assignment. Make constructive suggestions, but avoid severe criticism and undue pressure. A positive attitude by parents will encourage the student to do the best work possible.

·   Encourage and guide your child with assigned homework. Under no circumstances should you actually do the work for your child.

·   Regular school attendance is important for your child's continued academic growth.

·   Consult your child's teacher as soon as problems arise.

·   Let your child take full responsibility for doing his/her homework and getting it to school on time, including accepting the consequences of not getting it to school on time.

·   Review your child’s work.


·       10 minutes reading                                                                      

·       Letter Recognition (flash cards)

·       Letter Sounds (flash cards)

·       Number Recognition (flash cards)

·       Sight Words (flash cards)

First Grade

·       Weekly Packets

·       20 minutes of reading includes sight words and appropriate level books

·       10 minutes of daily practice (Math and Language Arts)

·       If homework is completed, work on enrichment activities of your choice

Second Grade

·       20 minutes reading

·       Spelling Lists

·       Language Arts:  Writing & Grammar

·       Math

·       Occasional Science or Social Studies

Third Grade

·       20 minutes of reading/10 pages of reading

·       Math and Language Arts

·       Spelling practice

·       Signed Agenda

·       Reports

Fourth Grade

·       Language Arts:  Spelling/Writing/Grammar/reading Log

·       Math

·       Test prep as needed

·       Occasional long term projects

·       Mission Report

·       Book Reports

·       Science Experiment

·       Passport Report

Fifth Grade

·       Language Arts:  Spelling/Writing/Grammar/Reading Log

·       Math

·       Reading 30 minutes a night

·       Test prep as needed (Social Science, Science, etc.)

·       Occasional long term projects

·       State Reports

·       Book Reports

·       Science Experiment