Our Staff
Email: fooc@cambriansd.com
Ms. Foo (Librarian)
Email: keletea@cambriansd.com
Mr. Ato ( Day Time Custodian)
My name is Atobrehan Kelete. I have enjoyed working at Sartorette Elementary for 13 years! In my spare time, I like to go on hikes and work in my yard.
Email: keletew@cambriansd.com
Ms. Woini (Evening Custodian)
Hello! My name is Frewoini Kelete, and I have worked at Sartorette for one year now. In my free time I like to watch movies and spend time with my family.
Email: biggsj@cambriansd.com
Email: bocciol@cambriansd.com
Email: delgadoo@cambriansd.com
Email: Gehalf@cambriansd.com
Ms. Lori Roulin (Food Services)
Ms. Linda Boccio (Aide)
Ms. Olivia Delgado (Aide)